Is this the standard we're setting for our police officers? It's okay to kill unarmed people so long as you don't commit as many killings as criminals do?
Coded logic,
This is either a dishonest, or a stupid way to argue. Not much logic, is there?
"blue" lives matter!
- sheriff david clarke at the rnc.
this bs really makes my blood boil.
Is this the standard we're setting for our police officers? It's okay to kill unarmed people so long as you don't commit as many killings as criminals do?
Coded logic,
This is either a dishonest, or a stupid way to argue. Not much logic, is there?
"blue" lives matter!
- sheriff david clarke at the rnc.
this bs really makes my blood boil.
He finally started wearing a cowboy hat and put a decorative decal in his pick up window and the problem stopped.
Thank you. You proved my point. The profiling is more than skin deep.
For example, I don't fear black people who are wearing Armani suits while coming out of a business convention. Not at all. Actually, I hope I can do business with them. Conversely I fear white men with baggy, low hanging pants, an unfriendly face, tattoos all over their face and body, chains coming out of their pockets, Yes, I am profiling too. The cops must and do exactly the same. So it happens that, when they are searching for criminals, the overall profile gets more black than whites or Asians, but I doubt that the color of the skin was the only factor in the profiling. I seriously doubt, given the present social tensions, that cops are thinking "I hope I can kill another unarmed black boy today" Quite the opposite. They rather not be in that situation ever.
"blue" lives matter!
- sheriff david clarke at the rnc.
this bs really makes my blood boil.
The problem of driving while black is real.
No argument. We can trace it to centuries of racism, but the job of the cops is to keep us safe by using their limited resources. They can't be stopping every race at the same rate when the criminality rates are disproportionately different. I would even suggest that the profiling involves much more than color of skin. Several factor are at play, the community in which people are stopped, the type of car they drive, their outer appearance, and yes add the "black" part. It's inevitable, based on what we learn every day, that we attached certain activities more to one group than to another. In the U.S., for example no one expects that the serial rapist, or the serial killer, or the drug dealer be from Asian descent. It happens, but it is the least common expectation. It's a lot more common to expect that the valedictorian in our local school is from Asian descent than black, even though black population may be about the same as that of Asian descent. Stereotypes are not just concocted by bigots. They are fed by events, facts, news, our own experiences. Sad reality, but we need to accept it before we try to have an honest conversation.
"blue" lives matter!
- sheriff david clarke at the rnc.
this bs really makes my blood boil.
32 of them were white and 38 of them were black. This means that an unarmed black person is 6 times more likely to be shot by the police than unarmed white person is.
6 times? really? It depends. On the surface it sounds outrageous. But your comment needs context; for example, what is the total number of white men and the total black men detained or chased. Also, give us the statistics that show how likely white men are to be involved in criminal activities compared to the black man.
There are three types of lies "lies, damn lies, and statistics" or rather the way statistics are interpreted.
"blue" lives matter!
- sheriff david clarke at the rnc.
this bs really makes my blood boil.
Black people are 31% more likely to be pulled over than white people,
Assuming that the number is correct, do we take into account other statistics that show that black people are more likely to commit violent crimes? That 31% needs more context to be evaluated correctly.
Reminds me of the airport security comment made in the context of terrorist hijacking airplanes by one of the Home Land Security Secretaries under Bush (I forgot his name). He suggested that old white ladies should be screened at the same rate as young Middle Eastern males. Nice egalitarian thought, but not realistic if we want to use our limited resources in an efficient manner.
"blue" lives matter!
- sheriff david clarke at the rnc.
this bs really makes my blood boil.
Mi vida, this place is so dull without you. We missed you. I am glad you are here again. Welcome back.
hi, i just signed up.
i'm 35, i've been baptized 20 years, married 15 years.
it seems like the wife and i are going in opposite directions spiritually.
Hi Sam,
Welcome. Your marriage is in serious trouble, and given your opening piece doesn't seem that it will get better. Get ready.
You seem to like the shallow waters. Many here understand your situation, but prefer the deep waters.
Stay and read. You may be transformed. I know I was, even though I have been an atheist for almost 40 years. I am 51.
good afternoon,.
i am writing to give you a quick update about our ongoing statutory inquiries into safeguarding and charities linked to jehovah’s witnesses.. as you may know, one of our inquiries is into watch tower bible and tract society of britain.
we opened this inquiry in 2014. watch tower then initiated what turned out to be protracted litigation against us.
I see some good opportunities for real estate investors. The Watchtower may be very motivated to sell pronto!
how often did you see / witness anything relating to these traits with the elders.?.
personally i have known an elder who was taken down by other elders in his circuit because they thought he was getting to big for his boots , and was enjoying his popularity in the circuit and it was in their opinion going to his head.. he had speaking parts on ca`s and was enjoying his popularity.
the other elders in the circuit obviously didn`t like the attention he was receiving or his inflated ego , and as a collective group cut him down to size.. simply by removing him from the " in " crowd of elders dealing with ca`s and not giving him any more talks or parts at assembly`s .. at the congregational level i have seen the same sort of thing , where an elder gets puffed up with pride / thinks more of himself than he ought to , and gets cut down by the rest of the body of elders.. last but not least , is the elder who has a very strong domineering nature who rides all over the rest of the elder arrangement , simply because he is a bully and always gets his own way on doing things in the congregation.. so is this religion .jw , an arrangement by god ?
I saw that case once. The elder in question had university education (from another country) and his speeches were loaded with big words that most of the sheep didn't understand. The other elder on average had about 9th grade education. Well, my friend, the hunted educated elder, was demoted to just publisher for few years. I don't know the exact charges, but related to his being too controlling/bullying. During the witch hunt times his wife would call me and gave me details about the other elders: alcoholism, favoritism towards their own children, pervert eyes when looking at women, etc. Lots of juicy stuff.
Since my hunted elder gave me a bible study, the other elders thought I could be useful in providing incriminating information about my friend. Therefore, my wife and I were invited to a party of only elders and MS. backfired...several of them were having a racist conversation saying that the members of a certain group were too lazy and irresponsible. Since at that time I sided with my friend, the hunted elder, I decided to write a letter to the Watchtower Brooklyn headquarters conveying my recent discoveries about the hunters, including the recent racist comments by many of them. Well, well. Within two months there was an new elder in that Spanish congregation who spoke poor Spanish, but he was a member of the race that the other elders made racist comments about. Coincidence?.... I don't think so.
very long story.
i've been away from this site for a while.. basically, i tried to leave.
handed in my disassociation letter, it kicked up a storm and 2 weeks later i was disfellowshipped.
. My daughter wont be baptized into this i can promise you all that.
I am glad to hear that. It should be goal #1